About Felicity Woolf
Working in different organisations throughout my career, many with a national role, has given me a broad perspective on the arts and heritage sectors. I have been a teacher, gallery educator at the National Gallery, arts administrator at Arts Council England and Director of Qualifications at Creative and Cultural Skills.
Highlights of my career as a consultant:
- Co-writing and piloting Arts Award for Arts Council England and Trinity College London, now held by many thousands of children and young people. Over a fifteen year period I have written training materials, advised on evaluating the impact of the award and on increasing take-up in different cultural sectors, sixth forms and FE colleges. http://www.artsaward.org.uk/site/?id=2647
I’m currently part of a team led by Upstart Projects https://upstartprojects.uk/ researching the potential for an international award that would assess 21st Century Skills in the style of Arts Award
- Devising the first version of Artsmark for Arts Council England in 2000, a benchmark which was awarded to over 10,000 schools over ten years. I managed the national pilot of Artsmark and presented an evaluation to ACE and government. I subsequently ran training for validators and teachers.
- Researching and writing Partnerships for Learning: a guide to evaluating arts education projects (2nd edition 2004, Arts Council England) and delivering a national programme of training to improve the arts sector’s commitment to evaluation.
2016 HSK 4, Chinese language exam (A level standard)
2014 MA, Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo
1995 Certificate in Professional Management, Open University
1981 MA, History of European Art, University of London, Courtauld Institute of Art
1976 PGCE, English and Drama, University of Nottingham
1975 BA Hons, English Literature, University of Exeter
1999-present Director, Felicity Woolf Associates
2009-2010 Director, UK Operations and Qualifications, Creative & Cultural Skills
1996-1999 Director, Creative Options Consultancy Ltd
1992-1996 Planning Officer, Arts Council England, West Midlands
1990-1992 Part-time Lecturer, National College of Art and Design, Dublin
1988-1990 Education Officer, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin
1982-1988 Education Officer, National Gallery, London
1978-1979 Head of sixth form English, Heathland School, Hounslow
1976-1978 Teacher of English & drama, Archway School, Stroud

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Iain Standen, CEO, Bletchley Park Trust
Shane Downer, Heritage Officer, Milton Keynes Council
Kate Travers, Head of Learning, Bletchley Park Trust
Michaela Butter, FRSA MBE, Director, Attenborough Arts Centre
Stephen Newbould, Artistic Director, Birmingham Contemporary Music Group